Copier paper taste like a something stupid.
I'm not even good at pretending like I know what I am doing. I know I am just retreading old water in thinking this but what the fuck am I doing I thought like by now I'd now what the game plan is but its like I came in my best Sunday Church clothes to play a game of baseball and I'm ill equipped for this nonsense. I dunno I swear it's like one day your playing the role somebody who appears to know what he's doing and is like dope and then the next you realize holy shit where did everything go? Am I such a loser to be alone? Wait isn't that what you've been wanting since you were a kid to be alone? Well congrats asshole you got that nobody wants to put up with your shit anymore. Jesus I'm such a piece of shit I man I'm such tool. Ugh none of this is very helpful or remotely interesting and yet here we are words words words.